Stickman Peacekeeper
Developer: Kiz10 - 36 609 playsIn the shooter game Stickman Peacekeeper you will have to restore order and peace by eliminating successive waves of enemies in a downpour of gunfire and rock music. Shoot your opponents with your weapon to not get overwhelmed and use your 3 special skills when there are too many enemies. After each mission you will be able to improve your weapon, your skills, your armor and your health.

as a kid i loved this game but never beat the game because it was too hard, but now im 13 after hours of rage i finally beat it. 10/10 game but plz make more waves
1 year ago -
Terrible. Get one shot by everything and they spam shotgunners. Update- This doesn't happen to everyone and it wipes my progress whenever I play
1 year ago -
This stickman version just dont hit the same and I want the normal peacekeeper back
3 years ago -
Cick Snokido Me: lets see is this somting new The game: hello Me: OMG YES THERE ADD IT (by the way Thanks A Lot)
5 years ago -
game fun as heck in class
@hecks did you die during a revival ad?
1 year ago -