What The Hen!
Developer: Charged Monkey - 48 306 playsWhat The Hen! is a wacky but highly tactical strategy card game in which human heroes and their armies face off against the evil horde legions that are invading the world through hell's portals. Build your army with different units and summon fighters to the battlefield to defend your base and destroy the enemy portal. Accumulate gold, crystals and new cards in order to improve your units and create an ever more powerful army capable of defeating the most formidable bosses. What The Hen! offers a long single-player campaign with dozens of missions, there are also 100 different cards to collect. When you progress in the game you will have access to arenas which will allow you to face the team of other players and progress in the ranking according to your victories. Arenas will give you unique rewards. It will also be possible to join clans to share common objectives and meet other players. There are many clans in all languages.

what the hen uooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
4 months ago -